Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI)
AMI, or Alternative Methods of Instruction, can be used for up to 36 hours of lost or canceled instructional time due to exceptional or emergency circumstances, such as inclement weather closures.
For the 2024-25 school year, snow days #1-4 will be AMI days and students will learn remotely.
All classwork and tasks for AMI days have been designed with the assumption that students do not have access to computers or Internet at home. Early Childhood, Elementary, and Middle School teachers distributed paper packets of their AMI plans during back-to-school/meet-the-teacher night. Electronic copies of AMI plans for all grade levels are linked below. Accessible versions are available upon request. Translated versions can be found here.
- Early Childhood Alternative Method of Instruction
- Elementary Alternative Method of Instruction
- Middle School Alternative Method of Instruction
- High School Alternative Method of Instruction