Learn how to support our mission with monetary donations or gifts in kind.
Online Donations
The Francis Howell School District is fortunate to have strong support from parents, community members, businesses and civic organizations. We appreciate the generosity of all of our partners in providing opportunities for our students.
Donate online or by mail:
Francis Howell School District
Attention: Superintendent’s Office
801 Corporate Centre Drive
O’Fallon MO 63368
Donation Policy
The Board of Education recognizes the educational value of appropriate gifts to schools from Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO), other civic groups, corporations, or individuals, and encourages their use to enrich the instructional program.
All gifts accepted by the District will become the property of the District. The superintendent or designee is authorized to accept gifts to the District, but the Board must take action to accept all contributions that exceed $20,000 and/or require ongoing annual service, a maintenance fee, significant personnel time, initial or continuing financial commitments from the District, or gifts of real property.
To be acceptable, a gift must have a purpose consistent with District goals and objectives. Gifts will not be accepted if they:
- Begin a program that the administration would be unwilling to take over when the gift or grant funds are exhausted;
- Bring unreasonable or hidden costs to the District;
- Restrict any school program;
- Imply endorsement of any business or product;
- Conflict with policies or actions of the Board or the public law;
- Carry restrictive covenants; or
- Require extensive maintenance on the part of the District.
The gift or donation must be made to the District, although the donor may specify the use of the donation to support a particular school or department. In general, the District will strive to honor the donor’s intent, as long as it is not in conflict with Board policy or the law.
For more information, please read Board Policy 1470 - Donations and Board Regulation 1470 - Donations.
Lunch Heroes
Have you ever been unable to concentrate because you were hungry? Did you know there are students in Francis Howell School District who are not able to purchase lunch while at school?
To address this need, FHSD has created a Lunch Heroes program. The Lunch Heroes program allows for donations from community members and District staff to support students when they no longer have funds in their lunch accounts. To provide lunch for a student for a month the cost is approximately $50.00.
Our goal is to work together with parents to make sure that all students are able to receive a hot lunch. Individuals who wish to donate to the Lunch Heroes program can do so by visiting the District Web Store.
If your child will be graduating or leaving the District, families can also opt to donate the balance to the Lunch Heroes program.