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Prop S

On June 2, 2020, 79.28% of voters approved a $244 million bond issue – the largest bond issue in Missouri history.

The approval of Proposition S allows the District to borrow money now and in the future to address pressing facility needs at Francis Howell schools - at no additional cost to residents. 

The Need

The District has 29 separate facilities, including three early childhood centers, ten elementary schools, five middle schools, three high schools, an administration building, and seven other sites. Together, these sites include over 2.7 million square feet of building space under roof, with miles of plumbing and wiring and hundreds of mechanical systems. The average building in the District is 30 years old, and the oldest building is now more than 50 years old. Many systems, like HVAC, plumbing, and electrical, are reaching the end of their useful life. In 2018, the District finalized a Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan (CFMP), which provided the blueprint for future Prop S work. The CFMP identified $300 million of deferred maintenance and capital improvements necessary to be made over the course of the next 20+ years. The cost estimates included in the CFMP reflect market conditions at that time (2018) and are pre-design and pre-bid.

symbol of a checkmark

The last voter-approved bond prior to Prop S was in 2008.

The $78.5M bond issue funded the construction of a new Francis Howell High School and renovations and additions at Daniel Boone and Castlio elementary schools, Francis Howell North and Francis Howell Central high schools, and HVAC improvements at Barnwell Middle and Fairmount Elementary.

Project Overviews

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